Where in the world is your faith?
For where your faith is, so will be your harvest!
Matthew 9:29 — According to your faith, let it be done for you!
Everything we do is done by faith: Either with Faith in God and his word or Faith in some natural meaning like “I hope so or I don’t know if this will really work or not!”
Faith in God
Faith in ourselves
Faith in a friend
Faith in doctors
Faith in the news
I could keep going on and on but we truly need to ask ourselves “Where is my faith?”
Wherever your faith is, you will live accordingly: There are people that, say — “I don’t have any faith!”
Well, that is false information as I said earlier — “We all have faith!” It is either what God says in his word or it is by what we see or feel in the natural:
Again !
Faith in God?
Faith in ourselves?
Faith in the world and worldly things?
Your mouth and daily actions will let everyone know where your faith is:
You say — “ I have faith in God!” Really? Then your mouth and actions ought to show it!
You can’t be a doctor jekyll and a Mr. Hyde! You cannot be a christian one day and live, talk and act like the devil the next day and think that this way won’t hurt you: That this way, I can fit in with either crowd:
No! Sooner or later — one crowd will win the argument as you lean more towards one more than the other:
You can never have or serve two God’s! You will either serve God in heaven, which should be in your heart!
Or you will live like the devil! Believe me — Your speech and actions speak loudly of where your faith really is:
I know some family and friends of whom I question if they are born again or not:
There is an old saying that is very true — “ Your actions speak louder than your words!”
Believe me — What is in your heart (spirit man) will be prominent in showing which side you are on:
There are some people that wonder why God’s word does not Work! Well, whose side do you portray the most?
God (Your Savior)
Satan ( the devil)
You cannot live a double life and survive: Oh — it may work for a while, but sooner or later — one will end up on top and prominent over the other:
Now, I am not talking about making mistakes: It takes a while for you to move from who you were before Christ to whom you are in Christ, but sooner or later, you must choose victory or defeat:
You must choose right or wrong:
Believe me — Your actions do speak louder than your words ! Now — I am not saying that your words don’t tell which side of the track you are on — I am saying — Your actions do speak louder than words:
Wrong words = Defeat
Wrong actions = Defeat
Right words = Victory
Right actions = Victory
Which one are you?
Remember: Jesus is Lord!
For more of my teaching go to williamlear.org