We all have insurance --- Life; Health and Auto , but I want to talk to you today on another type of insurance which comes from God:
“Whole Life Insurance!”
There are alot of companies/agencies out there that are pushing their insurance policies and hope you will hook up with them:
My teaching today, is in no-way to make you feel like you don’t need health or life or auto insurance, if you don’t you need it:
My message today is to get you to understand that there is another insurance out there, that will cost you nothing because the premium has already been paid through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ :
All you have to do is sign up for it and that is through accepting Jesus as your Saviour:
Thousands of years ago, we were given an insurance policy called --- “Whole life Insurance”
God did through the birth, death and resurrection of his Son Jesus:
Everything you need has already been given to you, but most of us do not believe it: We don’t believe it because we cannot see it happen right away or we have read the entire policy:
In the natural, you are given a copy of your insurance policy, that is yours to read and keep before you, so you can refer back to it if at all necessary:
Well, in the spiritual realm we were given the bible which is the written Insurance policy from God!
It was spoken by God and written by his Holy prophets so that we can have a written policy which is the Bible --- the written word of God: ( The Policy)
Most of God’s people have a copy of this insurance policy sitting on a shelf, but never read it:
Well, if you stick your natural life, auto insurance policies in a box and never read it, how do you know what belongs to you?
You don’t know what is covered under that policy:
You go around calling this person or that person to find out what is covered by your policy:
The same way with God’s written insurance policy, called the “Bible” or the word of God:
Most humans have a copy but that copy (Bible) is sitting on a shelf and has not been looked at sice the first day you received it:
All of a sudden, something happens and we are scrambling and calling people to find out what the policy says --- asking --- is this problem covered under the policy?
The Bible is your written policy to divine and natural health: The word of God is full of so many scriptures on health and well being or staying healthy:
This insurance policy does not only cover your health but, covers you in other areas such as:
Instructions on how to train your children
How to trust him for your government:
Any policy must be written and ready in order for us to know what the policy covers: This policy has been backed by God the Father who sent his Son Jesus, who died on the cross, who arose again in order to carry out that policy:
In the natural, if you study and read your policy enough you will know exactly what the policy covers, you won’t have to call anyone to find out:
In the spiritual, it is the same: You must get into the word for yourself:
The Bible must be read
The Bible must be believed
The Bible must be spoken
In the natural, in order to keep our muscles strong, our bodies strong, we must exercise by lifting weights, running, jogging etc.
In the spiritual, it is the same and very important in order to stay healthy --- Physically as well as Spiritually:
I know what I am talking about, I am now seventy and I am seeing where I used to be strength wise is no longer the same: I must make myself do things in the natural to keep my physical body healthy and strong:
The same in the spiritual --- you must exercise your spirit on a daily basis:
Let me add this --- For us to remain strong and healthy it takes both the spiritual as well as the physical exercise to keep our bodies buff inside and out:
I find myself, putting off physical exercise which has been a problem for me: When I was working, my job helped me stay strong, but now retired, I have to get after myself and make myself do what is necessary to keep in shape:
I start out doing things that strengthen my muscles but then, I find myself slacking off becoming lazy:
Well, that laziness will cause me to grow weak physically and the same spiritually if you don’t exercise your spirit:
Good long lasting health comes from both physical and spiritual work-out:
There are also a lot of people that say “ That word of God does not work!” Well, how much time do you spend working out in the word of God and prayer?
How many times do you speak the word out-loud over your body and your circumstances?
The amount of time you spend in building your spirit or your body, makes a difference in your life:
Don’t go around and say --- “ That word stuff does not work”, especially when you haven’t worked the word!
Time is of essence when it comes to receiving the promises of God!
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