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Writer's picture: Bill LearBill Lear

Wiseman VS. Wise Cracker

Which are you?

  1. A wise man is

  2. Proverbs 29:11 — A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a Wiseman quietly holds back:

We have all done this at one time or another in our lives: A friend or an acquaintance says something to us or to someone else about us and instead of just letting the remark roll off of us like water off of a duck's back, we say something smart back at them, or make them feel like we do:

  1. Proverbs 1:7 — The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, fools (unwise) despise wisdom and instruction: (These are people who refuse to listen to wisdom:

When we speak foolish words back to the unwise person we are no different than what they are: We become fools! My Dad always said — Remember when you point your finger at someone else you have 3 fingers pointing back too yourself:

  1. Proverbs 1:5 — Let the wise hear and increase in learning and the one who understands obtain guidance:

These are the ones who will increase in wisdom!

  1. Proverbs 21:20 — Precious treasure and oil are in a Wiseman's dwelling, but a foolish man devours it:

  2. A wiseman will receive words of wisdom and use them to change their lives to be better people:

  3. A fool will say — Oh! That’s foolish words that will not work! How stupid do they think I am?

  4. A Wiseman will take words of wisdom and ponder on those words until wise words become a part of their lives:

E) Proverbs 12:15 — The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a Wiseman listens to advice :

Fool — One who, no matter what someone else says — they think they know better or know a better way:

Wiseman — Will receive the words of wisdom and put them to use in their lives instead of saying — “ My way is better!”

A Wiseman holds dear to them, the words of a Wiseman or woman who have lived their lives and learned from their mistakes and passed wisdom on to others:

If you listen to a Wiseman or woman who has learned the best way to do things in life, it will save you a lot of frustration: ( Now there is nothing wrong in taking this wisdom and build upon it to make them even better:)

But, if you reject their words then you will definitely struggle in life:

We have all come against wisecrackers who is a person who spits out a clever remark that is intended to be amusing, but is often unkind and hurtful:

The above people are fools and we should avoid them for they will destroy you and belittle you and make you feel less than a man or a woman:

God did not make fools — A fool began when he thought his ways were better than God’s:

Look in Genesis and see the perfect example of a fool: In the beginning we see the man was created: He was created in the image of God, he was instructed by God, but Adam thought he was smarter than God, so he did his own thing: (A really foolish thing to do)

If Adam had obeyed God in all he (God) said and kept satan (the devil) out of the garden of Eden, we would not have struggled in life: ( We would be able to speak things into existence just like God!)

There would be no hate, wars, or rumors of wars: We would be living a life of bliss:

Lions and lambs could lay down next to each other instead of fearing they would be eaten:

Humans would walk in love towards each other and help each other out – instead of hate:

But, No! — Adam was the first fool and thought he knew better than the creator who created him and Eve:

How foolish, but we humans are still thinking we know more than the great creator:

We have allowed ourselves to become fools instead of wise: Man thought he could do better than the creator: What a foolish thing:

Just a side thought — How many of us as we were growing up thought we knew better than our parents or grandparents?

How many of us finally caught on and gave up that idea and listened to them?

Take words of wisdom and remove the foolish thoughts in our minds and let wisdom control us:


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