I recently re-posted on Facebook a quote from my Facebook friend that said, “Some people aren’t just missing a screw, the whole toolbox is gone!”
The above may be true in some areas, but as I was thinking on this, I heard in my spirit, “YOUR MOUTH IS YOUR TOOL BOX TO LIVING THE GOD KIND OF LIFE AND LIVING AND STAYING IN FAITH!”
Let’s talk about this in the natural for a minute or two: Over the years, I have accumulated a lot of tools. I keep them in a toolbox with a lock on the box.
Sometimes I would close up the shop and forget to lock it or I left it open. Well, sometimes my tools went missing: Some disappeared by my boys borrowing them and did not put them in the box, but laid them on my shop bench which was not where I liked them kept:
When that happened and I could not find the tool I needed, I would have to buy new ones or hunt until I found them:
Well, in our faith walk with God, there are tools given to us by the word of God that help us make it through our life of walking with God in faith:
Some of the faith tools are as follows:
· Study of the word
· Speaking or confession of God’s word
· Prayer --- both in your natural language as well as praying in the spirit:
These tools of the spirit will loosen a spiritual screw that maybe keeping your faith intact:
· These tools could be a spiritual hammer to beat the enemy with:
· These tools could be a wrench to loosen a tight spiritual screw, so the word of God will work for you:
· These tools could be a spiritual pipe wrench to remove a plugged-up pipe or remove a nut that is holding you from your victory:
Just like in the natural we need to lock our spiritual toolbox up, not from our use, but to keep a thief from stealing a spiritual tool:
Some of the people we meet, Christians, family members etc., might hear your faith talking and say to you, “Now, you know the word of God does not work or it does not work all of the time or it does not work in that area:
Some may say, you know, I tried that faith stuff before, and it did not wok for me! I even tried it three times! I still have the same problem, or I still feel sick or my bills are still not paid off:
What’s happening? Every negative voice you listen too is someone or something stealing your spiritual tools:
We might have had a victory in unlocking or loosening a spiritual bolt or nut, but someone says, “Well it worked this time, but probably won’t work the next time:”
A sidestep here, how many of you know that if a certain tool you used to turn a screw once with turn a screw again? But the nay-Sayers say in the spiritual toolbox, it won’t work again!
In the scriptures it talks about, keeping a watch over your mouth!
Psalms 141: 3&4 --- Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth: Keep the door of my lips.
Verse 4 --- Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men that work iniquity; and let me not eat of their dainties:
This goes along with what we were saying, when speaking out your faith, watch who you are speaking too, or watch who you are lending your spiritual faith tools too!
The devil will use any device or person to steal your faith: Another tool he steals is when you don’t see an immediate result to your prayer, or you get prayed for by a minister and you see no change: take your lock and put it on your spiritual tool box: Don’t let the devil steal that tool from you:
Joy is another spiritual tool: If you lose your joy you will lose your faith tool:
Love is a faith tool, if you stop walking in love, then someone got in your faith toolbox and stole it:
We cannot let the devil keep stealing our faith tools! If you do your whole toolbox might disappear next:
Well, how do I stop him from stealing my tools? PUT A LOCK ON THE BOX!
1) Prayer --- Constant prayer:
2) Speaking confessions, get into the word of God and find scriptures that cover one or more of your tools: Speak these scriptures over and over until all of your tools are returned.
3) Praise --- Give God praise for your victory on a consistent basis even if you don’t see it or feel it. Remember: we are not moved by what we see or feel, but by the word of God only:
4) Joy --- It is another one of your tools in your box: If you let the devil steal your joy, you will lose your whole toolbox:
5) Love --- Walk in love toward everyone, even those who seam to hate you:
This one may be the hardest tool to keep the thief from stealing: If you lose your love, your whole toolbox will disappear:
Don’t lose your whole toolbox!
For more of my writings go to williamlear.org
Thanks for reading
Thanks for reading