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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Your Words Will Tell On You!


Matthew 12:37 — For by your words — you are justified and by your words, you will be condemned:

A lot of people think they can talk like the people they work with or hang around and all will go well:

You must realize that what you say is not just who you are, but who you will become:

Trying to fit in will either — lift you up or put you down: Example: I was made fun of and called names as I was a child: (Not by my parents or family members, but with those I went to school with)

Those words convinced me that I could not do things or never accomplish anything: (In some ways — (this is still causing me not to do certain things)

If you are called a looser long enough, you will start believing it: The more you believe it, the more you will become it:

Even as I became an adult, I would think — “Oh! I can’t do that, I don’t know how, what happens if I fail?

We must hang around those who lift us up: Those who will encourage you to try it:

There was a statement as I was growing up that went like this — (Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me!)

My, how wrong that statement was — That statement hindered me from being who I could be for years: That statement That statement could make you a loser and convince you that you can’t do anything right:

That statement will stop you from accepting a promotion at your work place:

Example: If I would not have overcome that statement, I would never have been promoted from custodian to lead custodian and finally the Director of the Plant Operations Department:

That statement will stop you from doing what God wants you to do:

You will feel less than a conqueror:

No matter how large or small a job is — Words will convince you that you either can or cannot do it:

We as Christians — even though we have a dream of doing something great for God, you will never try because we feel (do to words spoken) that we can’t do it:

In the word of God — In Philippians 4:13 — I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me:

Notice — It does not say “You can’t!” “You are worthless!” “You are nothing but a custodian and you can’t do that!”

False words — For God said — you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you:

Be who you want to be! Be who God said you can be! Don’t let deceivers tell you that you can’t!

My Dad used to say “Can’t never did anything”: Even now at 70 years old, I will look at a job to be done — I look at the job to be done and a voice says — You can’t do that!!

Well, those words know (because I learned what God said) don’t hinder me: I just tell myself that I can and guess what? — I do!

Remember: Jesus is Lord!

For more of my teaching: go to

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